For the bread, biscuit and cake sectors flexible packaging solutions can be tailored to suit the varied requirements, so keeping biscuits crisp and fresh, cakes moist and bread soft and doughy.
Cheese and many other dairy products are able to benefit from flexible packaging’s controlled breathability, humidity and preservation of freshness and, particularly, aroma.
Snack foods demand specific requirements from their packaging, not least to maintain texture, flavour and the overall feeling of freshness over relatively long periods
Dried food and cereals come in many varieties. Some, such as dried fruits, need to retain a level of moisture, while others need to be kept totally moisture free.
Flexible packaging with excellent barrier properties is the solution of choice to keep frozen foods and ice cream fresh while preventing odours in the freezer.
Dried food and cereals come in many varieties. Some, such as dried fruits, need to retain a level of moisture, while others need to be kept totally moisture free.
Flexible formats for many powders and solid dose items (pills) have been used for decades. Indeed the first headache powders came in paper/plastic laminate sachets and are still common.
The pet food pouch has become synonymous with convenience for most consumers. These packs can contain a ‘one meal’ portion, are easy to open and highly resource efficient compared with cans.
While many cosmetic and toiletry products are still traditionally produced in rigid or semi-rigid containers, the growth in demand for single portion packs, for both convenience and cost controls,
The stick pack has now become a familiar sight in many restaurants and fast food outlets. For convenience, hygiene, versatility and to avoid waste and mess they are an ideal solution.
Bags and sachets made from all types of formulations of flexible plastics and aluminium foil are used to pack everything from rubber gloves, kitchen and toilet wipes, batteries, print cartridges, DVDs
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